There’s no definitive list yet, but it definitely fixed my problem, which was a crash at starting a new game in Windows 7.
Why does Fallout 3 not work on Windows 7? For the file, just search youtube for “Fallout 3 Intel gpu fix” and choose a video. If you have an Intel HD Graphics card, you gotta download the “d3d9.dll” file and put it in your fallout 3 install directory. It’s because neither Fallout 3/NV supports a Intel GPU. Why does Fallout 3 crash with Intel graphics card? Note: If using dual monitors, disable your second one from your Windows display settings. Relaunch the game and check the crash will appear or not. This method can let you play without crashes for hours. Play the game in Windowed mode when you meet crashes. What to do when Fallout 3 crashes on Windows 10? How to Play Fallout 3 on Windows 10 Without Problems! How do I get Fallout 3 to work on Windows 10 2020?